
  • Medical School: Jefferson Medical College
  • Residency: 
    • Rhode Island Hospital
    • Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters
  • Fellowship:  SUNY Upstate Medical Center

Board Certifications

  • American Board of Pediatrics
  • Pediatric Hematology-Oncology

Research Interests

  • Hemostatic Disorders
  • Medical Informatics
  • Neonatal Hematology

Honors and Awards

  • "Top Doctors in Hampton Roads", 2003, 2008
  • Top Docs for Kids, 2004
  • American Red Cross Recognition Award, 1992
  • Young Investigator Award Southern Section, American Federation for Clinical Research, 1992
  • Resident Teaching Award, CHKD, 1989
  • US Air Force Commendation Medal, 1987
  • Teacher of The Year, Wright State University, Dept. of Pediatrics, 1987

Professional Affiliations

  • American Academy of Pediatrics
  • American Medical Directors of Information Services
  • American College of Physician Executives
  • American Society for Hematology
  • American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
  • Hemophilia and Thrombosis Research Society
  • Healthcare Information & Management Systems Society
  • American Medical Informatics Association
  • Virginia Pediatric Society
  • Tidewater Pediatric Society
  • National Hemophilia Foundation
  • World Hemophilia Foundation

Selected Publications


DeAlarcon PA, Werner EJ (Editors). Neonatal Hematology.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005.


Werner, EJ, Stockman, JA:  Red Cell Disturbances in the Feto Maternal Unit. Seminars in Perinatology,  l983;7:139-158.

Werner, EJ, Walenga, RW, Dubowy, RL, Boone, S, and Stuart, MJ:  Inhibition of Human Malignant Neuroblastoma Cell DNA Synthesis by Lipoxygenase Metabolites of Arachidonic Acid. Cancer Research 1985;45:56l‑563.

Werner, EJ, Stout, RD, Valdez, LC, Harris, RE: Immunosuppressive Therapy versus Bone Marrow Transplantation for Children with Aplastic Anemia. Pediatrics 1989; 83:61‑65 (Reviewed in Yearbook of Pediatrics, 1991).

Werner EJ, Abshire TC, Giroux DS, Tucker EK, Morrow HE and Broxson EH: The Relative Value of Diagnostic Tests for vonWillebrand Disease. J Pediatr 1992;121:34-8

Werner EJ, Broxson EH, Tucker EL, Giroux DS, Shults JS and Abshire TC. Prevalence of vonWillebrand Disease in Children: A Multi-ethnic Study. J Pediatr, 1993:123;893-8

Werner EJ. Neonatal Polycythemia and Hyperviscosity.  Clinics in Perinatology, 1995:22;693-710.

Werner EJ.  VonWillebrand Disease in Children and Adolescents.  Pediatric Clinics of  NA, 1996:43;683-708.

Derkay CS, Werner EJ, Plotnick E. Prospective Management of Children with vonWillebrand Disease Undergoing Adenotonsillectomy. Am J Otolaryngol. 1996:17;172-7

Kleiner, KD, Akers R, Burke B, Werner EJ.  Parent and Physician Attitudes Regarding Electronic Commuication in Pediatric Practices.  Pediatrics 2002;109:740-744.

E. J. Werner. Disorders of the Fetomaternal Unit.  In DeAlarcon PA, Werner EJ (Editors). Neonatal Hematology.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005.

P.A. DeAlarcon, C. Johnson,  E.J. Werner. Erythropoiesis, Red Cells and the Approach to Anemia. In DeAlarcon PA, Werner EJ (Editors). Neonatal Hematology.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005.

P.A. DeAlarcon, E.J. Werner.  Normal Values and Laboratory Methods. In DeAlarcon PA, Werner EJ (Editors). Neonatal Hematology.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005.

E. J. Lowe and E. J. Werner.  Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura and Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome in Children and Adolescents.  Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 2005;31:717-729.

W.C. Owen, E.J. Werner.  Hematologic Problems:  Diagnosis and Management.  In Handbook of Pediatric HIV Care, 2nd Edition.  S. L. Zeichner and J. S. Read, editors. Cambridge University Press. 2006

E.J. Werner. Megaloblastic Anemia.  In Pediatric Hematology, J.S. Lilleyman, I.M. Hann, Robert Arceci (Eds).  Blackwell Publishing, 2006.


Professor of Pediatrics
Eastern Virginia Medical School


Division of Hematology/Oncology
Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters
601 Children's Lane
Norfolk, VA 23507
Phone: (757) 668-8255
Fax: (757) 7784